Russia invades the Dollar

Written By William J. Smith III

Creative Founder. at World Peace Table Society

    The danger which I mentioned at the end of the last blog is here,  that is Russia invading Ukraine.  It’s a plan to demise the dollar and that is it, the more we impose sanctions the more need there is to create a new type of reserve currency. and the less opportunity America has to singularly eliminate poverty in the world and the greater the possibility of increasing poverty in America.

    But aside from that the condition is the same, a world peace table for economists and people to make peace and money for a quality of life that would more or less reduce the need for violence.

    We don’t need to be at war and in this case (war with Ukraine 2022) sanctions most likely won’t work.

    Assembling a conversation to eliminate poverty in the world is something that will dissolve bad feelings and end our current Ukraine conflict, otherwise, it will escalate into a huge monetary crisis. America has had a huge opportunity to host a forum and quantitative eased investment throughout the world, with of course the idea of using highly skilled independent economists sitting together.  a great deal is lost but hosting is still the best idea. But an idea that should be taken up quickly.

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